A 27 year old Longhope man who drove while almost four times over the alcohol limit has been sentenced to a 16-week suspended jail term.

George Brinkworth of Ross Road, was also banned from driving for four years by Cheltenham magistrates.

He pleaded guilty to driving a Nissan NV200 on Llanthony Road, Hempsted, Gloucester, on January 7 this year with 134 microgras (mcgs) of alcohol on his breath.  The legal limit is 35mcgs.

Imposing a 16 week jail sentence suspended for a year the court said the reason for the penalty was the “level of alcohol reading; previous similar matter; poor driving.”

They ordered Brinkworth to have treatment for alcohol dependency and mental health treatment for 12 months.

Brinkworth was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £134 victim services surcharge.