SHARP showers and strong gusts of wind did not put a dampener on Mitcheldean fete on Saturday (July 15).
The fete, which was held on the Townsend playing fields, were part of the wider Mitcheldean Festival which took place across three days.
The Queen and King of the festival, Kyriee Child and Harry Lewis, were crowned at the fete by Chair of Mitcheldean Parish Council, Janet Keen.
Ahead of announcing the King and Queen, Cllr Keen said: “I’m sure we’re all capable of dealing with the weather although it is pretty miserable!”
Among the attractions at the fete were displays of Morris dancing, a dog show and a performance by the Mitcheldean School choir.
The choir performed to great applause in the community centre because of the risk of further rain.
The Festival King and Queen also judged the fancy dress section in the dog show.
They gave first prize to Max who was dressed as a pirate.
Several local organisations set up stalls.
Mitcheldean WI ran the cake stall and had a competition to guess how many sweets were in the jar.
Local air cadets had a stall and there were Guides from Coleford and Newent.
The Newent Rangers were also collecting to raise funds for an international visit to Norway.
Cinderford Swimming Club was doing a brisk trade with its toy and drinks tombola and Gloucestershire Recycling was also at the fete raising awareness of its work.
As well as the fete, there was a wide range of events taking place as part of the Mitcheldean Festival.
They included concerts, comedy, a walk, comedy performances and Morris dancing.