QUICK thinking joggers managed to extinguish a fire lit by vandals on the recent refurbished and reinstated St Mary’s footbridge in Lydney.

The volunteers and staff who run the Dean Forest Railway heritage line have thanked local resident Nicola Whettam and three friends who spotted the fire and stamped it out before it could do significant damage.

The bridge was dismantled in June last year for major restoration work and had only been returned and re-erected recently with the last major components fitted together on January 10.

But, on Thursday last week, Nicola, was jogging with friends and spotted an odd light coming from the direction of the bridge.

They found a small fire had been set on the structure and managed to put it out.

Nicola, 44, said: “It was obviously deliberate act. I’m guessing it was kids messing about, but whoever it was certainly knew how to make a bonfire.