A 33-year-old Lydbrook man who drive while banned has been given an 18 week suspended jail term and ordered to do 175 hours of unpaid work.

Jake Grace, of Edwards Close, Joys Green, pleaded guilty at Cheltenham Magistrates’ Court to driving a Honda Jazz on North Road, Coleford, on August 18 last year while disqualified. 

He also admitted being in possession of amphetamine.

The magistrates passed a sentence of 18 weeks prison suspended for a year, placed him under supervision for 12 months, banned him from driving for four years, and ordered him to complete 175 hours of unpaid work for the community.

They said a prison term was justified because he committed the offence “some 12 weeks into a second mandatory disqualification. “

He was ordered to pay costs and a surcharge totalling £239.