THE MP for South Herefordshire, a constituency that includes Ross-on-Wye, said he greatly welcomes the news of the forthcoming general election on July 4.

Conservative Jesse Norman, who was first elected in 2010, remains as the area’s Member of Parliament until the Legislative is prorogued on Friday, May 24, said: “It has been a huge honour to serve my constituents as their MP. But there is still more work to do, and I hope to have the chance to do it.”

Mr Norman added: “As in the past, I will be running a highly local, warm and positive campaign.

“Negative campaigning is not my style; It never has been, and never will be. I believe it only makes people feel angry and disillusioned with politics in general. I will be seeking the support of voters based not on words, but on a track record of 14 years as an MP.  Since 2010 I have put my heart and soul into helping our county and our community. “I have helped us to win huge new investments: most recently to clean up the River Wye, invest in the county hospital, build our cycle track, extend the skatepark in Hereford and much more, through the Stronger Towns Fund. “Our university, New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE), a project I have pioneered since it began, is now producing brilliant graduates who are going on to fantastic jobs, boosting businesses and offering incredible opportunities to young people across Herefordshire. But there is so much more we can do. In Ross-on-Wye, I have called for a major package of investment to help the town recover from the dreadful recent floods. I am working closely with local volunteers on a new skate park and games area at Wilton. And we need a new Golden Valley railway station near Pontrilas.

“I will be pushing for all of these projects and much more if I am re-elected. In the meantime, I and my office will remain available to help my constituents during the election period, and I can readily be reached via, which has all relevant contact details.”