THE Longhope and District branch of the Royal British Legion is reflecting on a “truly joyous” end to a year in which it celebrated its 100th anniverary.

Last month, the branch celebrated the special milestone by “raising a glass or two” at a Regimental Dinner, organised by Social Secretary Rich Davis.

Members past and present were honoured at the dinner, during which the regimental marches of each of the services were played.

An “amazing” celebration cake was created by branch member Tracey Cruikshank which depicted all the memorials of the district plus the standard.

A spokesperson said of the cake: “Not only was it a work of art but tasted delicious too.”

There was also a celebratory branch photograph taken, which hangs in “pride of place” at the monthly meeting room and has been available for all members to be able to have a print.

The branch also provided for those less fortunate or who faced being alone at Christmas, with ten local benificiaries receiving a hamper, Christmas cake and a card, which were delivered to them by the members.

The spokesperson said the gifts were received with “much appreciation” and gave the members a sense of purpose heading into the new year.

The initiative topped off a full calender for Longhope RBL in 2022, which included Platinum Jubliee celebrations, funeral respects to the late Queen Elizabeth II and leading the annual poppy appeal in the local community.

The branch organised a full parade and service for this year’s Remembrance Day commemorations, during which the new pendant for the standard was presented and blessed by The Reverend Lara Bloom (pictured).

A video of the centenary parade can be viewed on YouTube.

The Longhope and District Branch meet every second Tuesday at The Red Lion, Huntley, 7pm for 7.30pm start.

A spokesperson said: “We welcome everyone and you do not have to have served in the armed forces to visit or be a member.”