A VILLAGE hall’s upgraded kitchen will help people in need with hot and tasty food.

Tidenham Parish Council agreed to revamp the kitchen at Sedbury Village Hall in response to the cost of living crisis and to ensure the future of the facility.

The work was supported by local county councillor Chris McFarling (Green, Sedbury) through the authority’s Build Back Better Fund and by the Mopla Cottages Trust which is administered by the parish council.

Parish council chair Jan Koning said: “The upgrade of the kitchen was neccessary to future-proof the venue and to be able, in the current economic climate, to offer warm spaces and hot meals in the hall to members of the community.

“After the hard work to get agreement for the refurb from all parties, we are proud to present the new outfit to the community.”

The work was carried out by Josh Barker of Atlas Renovations who did it at cost price.

A new cooking range was provided by Howden’s in Chepstow at a reduced price.

Mr Barker joined Cllr Koning and parish councillors Michael Swambo to show Cllr McFarling the new kitchen.

Cllr McFarling said: “This is an excellent example of the community helping the community and I’m pleased to have been able to help through the Build Back Better Fund.”

Mr Barker said: “It’s great to be able to contribute to the community I live and work in.”

The revamped kitchen was first put to use to bring some festive cheer when the hall hosted 50 people for lunch on Christmas Day.

It was organised by the Sedbury Space community team who also distributed 35 meals in the area.

Cllr Swambo said: ‘‘The new facilities will provide a wide range of benefits including fostering a stronger sense of community and belonging, and playing an important role in building a more resilient community that helps to look after the isolated and lonely.”

The parish council also thanked the hall committee and its chair, Sheila Bollen, for their support.