Smiths Auctions are now busy gathering entries for their eagerly anticipated New Year Antiques and Collectables sale on January 2-3. The catalogue will be uploaded before Christmas and this additional exposure over the holiday period makes the January auction one of the most successful of the year. Smiths are keen to attract a wide range of good quality antiques and collectables in order to make the most of this seasonal opportunity.
An early January sale always attracts a larger number of collectors as well as private buyers and so Smiths are aiming for this market in particular. Antique and modern jewellery sells very well at this time of year as many people fail to find their ‘perfect’ Christmas gifts in the busy run up to Christmas. They also often have Christmas money to spend which they feel they can use to treat themselves to something special. The lull after Christmas is of course the perfect time to do a bit of online shopping! The saleroom will be open for viewing on Monday the 30th 10am-5pm and Tuesday the 31st 10am-3pm as well as on the morning of the sales 9am to 10am so there will be plenty of time to view items in ‘real life’ as well!
Some rather fun toy entries have recently found their way to the saleroom (despite the terrible weather), and these include a large sized vintage Steiff ‘Begging Rabbit’ estimated at £100/£150 and a Sony Aibo Robot dog – complete with original box which is expected to make £150/£200.
Other sections of the sale which could well prove popular include the postcard section and the book section. A First Edition copy of Tolkien’s The Return of the King in good condition is just the sort of item which will attract keen interest from a keen bookish type - who has a bit of time on their hands over Christmas. Complete with its dust cover it is sure to leave it’s £100/£150 estimate far behind.

Other small collectables include a delightful selection of silver items such as a tiny pin cushion in the form of a gondola. Novelty Victorian and Edwardian pin cushions are highly collectable, and this rare example dated 1907 is in excellent condition. Estimated at £60/£80, it is sure to attract plenty of interest at this time of year and exceed expectations. Silver collectables in general are incredibly popular at the moment and there is always plenty of competition from both trade and private buyers. Other examples of this type include an Edwardian shoehorn with a silver handle in the form of Mr Punch, an egg form silver needle case and a fine quality cut glass silver mounted ice bucket in the form of a bucket!

The sale also includes a special section for coins which is now closed for entries and another for postcards which is still accepting entries. Antique postcards can be very collectable especially if they fit in with certain collecting themes. A collection of twenty one WWI embroidered postcards sent from a soldier to his sweetheart are bound to be popular whilst a novelty donkey Christmas card is obviously a seasonal bonus!

Smiths are holding a special festive pre-sale viewing on December 18 from 2pm to 6pm with mulled wine and mince pies. A perfect opportunity to view the sale early and to meet and chat with staff. Final entries for the sale are invited now with a deadline on December 2. Please telephone 01531 821776 for an appointment or visit for further information.