MEASURES taken to stop people speeding on Gloucestershire roads are beginning to “positively influence” drivers, the county council says.

A collaboration between the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Gloucestershire County Council saw a Community Speedwatch fund of £600,000 established last year.

The fund has been used to pay for a range of measures to help local communities deter motorists from speeding including speed cameras, vehicle activated signs, and ’20 is Plenty’ wheelie bin stickers.

And Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, and recently re-elected Forest of Dean District Councillor for Tidenham, said he is “thrilled” the fund has directly allowed police to take action against criminals on the roads.

The council says police have “already been able to act” as a result of around 70 cameras being installed across the county.

Examples have seen a “persistent offender” who was regularly driving at double the speed limit stopped through enforcement action and fined.

Another driver was identified as having false plates and upon follow up it was found to been involved in a theft.

Another was linked to other crimes regionally with follow up action taken.

Nick Evans, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “Fear of anti-social speeding is one of the issues that is regularly raised with the Commissioner and I by our county’s residents.

“That’s why we launched the Community Speedwatch Fund with the county council, to empower communities to support the Constabulary and make our roads safer.

“I’m thrilled that it is showing real promise, not just by ensuring compliance with speed limits, but also by getting criminals off our roads.”

The fund is also delivering 60 vehicle activated signs, which are proven to have an impact on reducing speed, and around 6,000 ’20 is Plenty’ stickers.

The council is also supporting town and parish councils with their own community speed watch initiatives