A NEW investigation has revealed over 5,000 staff at Gloucestershire NHS Trusts have had to take at least one day off work due to a mental health issue in the past three years.
Figures obtained by Legal Expert found that Gloucestershire Health and Care and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts saw 5,156 staff members take absence due to mental health since 2021.
According to a recent poll by NHS Charities, three out of four NHS staff have experienced poor mental health in the past year. Mental health concerns can include stress, anxiety or depression.
NHS Charities Together said: “Far from being a seasonal issue, ‘winter pressures’ are felt by NHS staff all year round. A huge 96 per cent of NHS staff surveyed said they believed that pressure on NHS services is growing.
“Faced with the responsibilities of saving lives, high workload, long and unsociable hours and exposure to traumatic events, it’s no surprise that many NHS staff are struggling with their mental health.
“These findings confirm how vital it is to prioritise mental well-being of the NHS workforce so that they can continue to deliver the best care for their patients.”
In 2021/22, the number of staff in Gloucestershire who took a day off for mental health reasons stood at 1,721. A year later, this number reduced to 1,578, which is the lowest number of recorded absences over the three-year period. However, the most recent year’s figures saw a rise in these absences, equating to 1,857.

The number of reported absences for mental health fell into three common areas; stress, anxiety and depression. Of the reported figures by Legal Expert, it suggested the largest mental health concern for NHS Gloucestershire staff is stress.

A survey conducted by The Royal College of Nursing suggested pay is the primary factor of dissatisfaction among nurses. 88% of respondents said a pay rise would significantly improve their working lives.
Other factors nurses indicated could improve their situation included more flexible working hours, increased holidays, and shorter shifts.
More details along with the full investigation can be found on Legal Expert’s website.