LOCAL councils will continue to pay £125 per month to those hosting on the Homes for Ukraine scheme for February and March.

Hosts have already received a £125 payment to help cover increased energy costs between November and and January. 

The decision comes following the Government’s extension of the Homes for Ukraine scheme for an additional year.

Cllr Mark Hawthorne, leader of Gloucestershire County Council, said, “I’m pleased we can offer more support to our county’s fantastic hosts on the Homes for Ukraine scheme. 

“We hope these payments will support hosts to stay with the scheme and help give Ukrainian guests a bit more time to get safe and settled.”

So far, the county has welcomed over 1300 Ukrainians. 

Gloucestershire’s Homes for Ukraine team is always looking for people who can offer a Ukrainian guest a safe place to stay. 

The team is looking for people who might have a second home, rental property, annex, or spare rooms.

If you would be interested in supporting someone fleeing war for at least six months, get in touch with the Homes for Ukraine team via [email protected].

An optional tax-free ‘thank you’ payment of £350 per sponsoring household per month is also available to hosts who can accommodate one or more guests for up to twelve months.

This rises to £450 for months seven to twelve in Gloucestershire.

After twelve months this ‘thank you’ payment is increased to £500 per household.

The fuel payment extension of £125 per month for February and March 2023 is in addition to this.