CCTV is being investigated as a possible solution to monitor the build-up of debris under the Wye Bridge in Monmouth, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has confirmed.

Residents at Riverside Park, which is next to the banks of the River Wye, have raised concerns about fallen trees and debris getting stuck in the arches of the Grade-II listed structure and causing an increased flood risk.

They are calling for a camera to be installed to watch for any blockages, an idea NRW has agreed to consider following a site visit on Friday (12 May) with local MP David Davies.

“I am grateful to NRW for taking the time to meet with residents, listen to their concerns and take forward some of the solutions that were suggested,” said Mr Davies.

“Riverside Park has suffered extensive flooding over the years. People who live there are understandably worried about debris accumulating under the Wye Bridge and blocking the flow of the river, especially during storms and windy weather.

“NRW was very keen to demonstrate its commitment to safety and to removing any obstructions as quickly as possible. We were told how some of the schemes in place elsewhere would not work on a navigable river such as the Wye. The river also needs to be at a safe level before staff can enter the water to remove debris.

“However, we were assured that formal monthly maintenance inspections are undertaken around the flood scheme in the town and residents have been given a manned 24/7 incident hotline telephone number to report blockages.”