It’s already February – and it’s probably worth reflecting on how many of our New Year’s resolutions we’ve kept!

Some would’ve been harder than others.

Have you declared 2023 as the year you’re going to get healthy?

The temptation of snacks and treats might’ve pulled you in by now.

But if they haven’t, well done!

If you find that you’ve already broken some of your resolutions, there are ways to make your goals that little bit more manageable.

Make a budget – and stick to it

Our finances dictate our way of life.

To keep things manageable, it helps to make a budget.

Budgets can be daunting. With so many things going out during the month – from one-off expenses to direct debits – how can we keep on top of it?

Knowing your finances really helps make sure you have that safety net for when times get tough.

You can find great tips online with sites like

If you’re struggling to create a budget, there are free money management courses like Christians Against Poverty’s CAP Money course. Visit to find out more.

Plan ahead

No matter what your resolution, making a plan is the key to getting it done.

Having a step-by-step strategy means that you’re far more likely to be able to stick to it.

If you plan to eat healthier, create a meal plan.

If you plan to exercise more, schedule your workouts.

Trying to think of healthy recipes when it’s almost dinner time is the easiest way to excuse a takeaway or hit the snack cupboard.

Having a day off and the occasional treat will feel more like a reward if you’re following a plan for the rest of the week..

Keep things simple

It’s easy to overcomplicate simple things.

When your mind becomes clouded, take some time to reflect.

Whether that’s going for a walk or checking in with a friend, you need a clear head and a balanced mindset to keep any resolution or hit any goal.

Remember why you started, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself by chasing perfection.

Ask for help

You don’t have to go at it alone.

Having someone to talk to or check in with can really put things into perspective.

Sometimes, getting tied up in the pursuit of goals can distract us from looking after ourselves.

At Christians Against Poverty (CAP), we offer a variety of free services to give practical and emotional support to those on low incomes or struggling with unmanageable debt.

Whether it’s living well on a low income with a CAP Life Skills course or getting back into work with CAP Job Clubs, our services are open to everyone.

Visit for more information. Let’s continue the year with hope!

*Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a UK charity with over 580 services across the country delivering debt counselling, money management education, job clubs, life skills groups and more. Visit to find out more.